Caldera Diving Center – Scuba Diving Santorini

Tec 50

Go Technical - Go Even Deeper!

The final part of the full PADI Tec Deep Diver program is Tec 50. As a Tec 50 diver, you will have the knowledge and skill set to dive to a depth of 50 meters. You will know how to make extended, accelerated decompression stops using up to two different gases. Reaching this level is an achievement that will open doors to deeper and more exciting adventures. Theory lessons will build on your ability to plan technical dives, and you will participate in at least 4 open water dives.

At the End of the Course You Will Be Able to Do Extended, Accelerated Decompression Dives Up To 50 Meters


Course Registration

To enroll in the Tec 50 course, all students are required to complete the Standard safe practices, the liability release and medical form. For the Medical questionnaire, if you fill a “Yes” to one or more questions, a medical clearance from your doctor will be required.

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