Caldera Diving Center – Scuba Diving Santorini
Caldera Diving Center – Scuba Diving Santorini
In order to extend your depth range you need to use trimix – a blend of helium, oxygen and nitrogen. The Tec Trimix 65 course introduces you to the use of trimix to a maximum depth of 65 metres. There are advantages to using mixed gases however, you must learn how to do it correctly. You will be handling three or four decompression cylinders and practicing emergency procedures. The theory portion of the course includes decompression models, how to select a suitable mix and how to plan your dives with software and a multigas computer.
To enroll in the Tec Trimix 65, all students are required to complete the Standard safe practices, the liability release and medical form. For the Medical questionnaire, if you fill a “Yes” to one or more questions, a medical clearance from your doctor will be required.